
Day 7 in France

The last day to work all together in France.
During this day, pupils have to compare things in our two countries :

My country - your country (Meta / ChloƩ Ch.)
My flag - your flag (Petra / Laurie - Lara S. / Laura H.)
My town - your town ( Zala / Joanna - Tim / Jean)
My school - your school ( Lara / Laura - Katarina / ChloƩ S.)
My family - your family (Timotej / Nicolas - Mark / Alexandre)
My house - your house (Jan / Valentin - Charlotte / Evelina)

In the afternoon we filmed the interviews of French scientists -Georges CUVIER and Etienne OEHMICHEN. It was interesting. In the meantime our compatriot visited us at school. His name is Robert and he has been living in France for 28 years. He saw us on TV last night and we we were able to talk to him in Slovene. It was quite nostalgic.

We are now getting ready for FRIZOO's concert. She'll play the trumpet. Go Frizoo!!

After the concert we are going to have a party all together with lots of MUSIC. This is unfortunately the last day :(


  1. It's early in the morning but I have just seen an article in today's newspaper L'EST REPUBLICAIN. I'm in the staff room now and Dominique has just told me we were also on the radio. Congratulations!

  2. Hello =)
    Today, we worked in the school. After, we go to see the concert of Frizoo : it was nice!
    After the concert, we went to party : it was so so so nice !!!!!!!!!! At the beginning, lots of people were so shy but at the end nobody was shy !!!!!!! It was a really nice party, so good and so funny : we learned the French dance xP
    I won't forget you ;)<3

  3. We can thank the parents who supported the organization of this festival.
    I also want to thank the French and Slovenian pupils because they worked hard during the week.
    hvala usem

  4. In the morning we compare Christmas traditions
    in both countries (on the computers). After we had interviews with slovenian and fench important people. In evening, we went on Frizoo's concert and then on a party. There was music and food and we danced all night.
    It was very goot day.

